2011 F150 6.2L 4×4 Crew Cab Short Bed, Lifted 6″ Procomp, 35″ BFG Alt Tires.
I was looking for a replacement for my 2011 F 150 3.5L 4×4 CrewCab, Short Bed, White, and all stock with 273K Miles. FYI, It’s been an awesome truck, however has started to show some age however I can make a page on that later.
I used multiple sources to look for a replacement truck and I found a few different ones around the USA however they were wither rusted or they wanted way too much for an old truck as well as some were on dealerships lots I didn’t trust. My current truck was my 3rd options due to the distance as I had found one in Texas, and Montana those didn’t work out.
I turned the buying of the truck into a wonderful experience to fly out with my sister to Chicago in October 30th where the weather was amazing! loved it. (Correct no snow) We di have to dodge a few storms at that time from Texas to just south east of us as well as a cold front rolling down from Canada.
I had the truck looked at by Dekalb Ford, question spelling who gave the truck a clean bill of health, minus a slight leak at the power steering line but didn’t recommend replacement at this time.
The truck was stored in a garage mostly in winter and was washed off when used so the truck was not rusted bad, however it does have some rust i’m going to deal with but we’ll get into that.
The owner Fred Lewis and his wife had a custom plate that read Beast and they wanted to keep it and who can blame them :)
After buying the truck I left the Ford Dealership and decided to pull over a few streets later to make sure I had insurance. I got my insurance as was on my way the UPS store to get the paper sticker for the window. Now before we could make it just a few min away after I got my sister and I were looking for food. I noticed a Caines and pointed it out not realizing the local police was on my side. I was looking for food not the police. He passed us looking for a flont plate and of course I didn’t have one so he slowed down.. I slowed down and then I realized he got me. Once he got over I already had a blinker on into the next parkting lot next to the UPS store Ha. He was younger guy who was very nice and professional. Me and my sister were just lauphing when he rolled up to the door. We explained we just picked it up from the ford lot from a private party and on our way to get the paperwork in the window as we didn’t have a printer. He ran the insurance and my license and let us roll to the UPS store.

That is how the trip started! ha.
Picked up the truck with just under 40K Original miles:

Pickup Location Chicago area, drove it bac to California. The wind was something on the way out of Chicago/ Nebraska. We pulled down a great 9.4 MPG empty.

My wife didn’t know the truck was lifed so I took some fun photos to show her the truck:) I want to go back to stock but more on that later.

Trying to make it look as big as I can. ha.

Big Thank you to my big sister for helping make the trip!

Do you think the 6.2L can do better MPG than 10 Rolling down the freeway? It did get better the next day as the wind was way less.

I didn’t take a photo of the trip but the long term average of the truck was showing 10.2, I think we were about 10.5 mpg. Still not great. What I later found out is the tires are E rated tires and were only at 30 PSI so to soft in my experience but it took me a long way to look at that again as ford said the tires were good but I should have checked myself.
When We got into Las Vegas the total truck miles were up to 10.5, but I think we got it into the 11 MPG range even with the lower tire pressure.

I must say it is a good looking truck. I did find that on the way that the lights for the spot lots didn’t work as we were trying to figure out the high beams were pointed way to high! ( When I got the truck back I did lower them on the garage door with a screwdriver (Easy).
Looks like I got 11.3 Mpg on the 1806 Mile trip! Yikes!

I took some time under the truck to look better at the rust and realized it needed to do some work to get that deal with and figured I would do it while I took the truck to stock.

Since we don’t have this type of rust where I live so I purchased a gallon of Salt Be Gone. I have used it on the paint, motor area, bed bumpers, however I have to still get under the truck to do the rest.
I also lined up some under coating that will be the another thing I will do to protect my investment.
Here is anotehr image of the truck, this time of the side with the 35 inch tires

I was December when I found the tire were lower than I liked so I took them up to 60 PSI.
however the MPG before I did that was just 11 mpg.

December 14th 2024 tried to get the truck up to 14 mpg.. and I got.. 12.3 mpg. after 129.6 miles. Now keep in mind that was from Sea Level going up hills into the 4250 Elevation range. I thought I could do better but traffic I think got me some as well. I was getting 13.6 before the hills.
Took it for another run and got 11.7mpg and decided time to change those tires as I read on a post they could be 69lbs per tire! ouch.
I found some used Al-terrain Tires that say new they come in about 55 lbs. so 14 lbs. per tire on the same wheels. 3″ Taller so not having to sling as much weight around with the tires going from just 12.8 wide down to I believe 11.5″ so saved over an inch needing to cut in the wind. Wow! Truck stops better. still slow but I do love the exhaust sound! Interesting habit is I drive slower with the V8 with that classic sound. The Truck has some kind of exhaust but it’s not loud but has a great sound.
Took it down the hill up another spot and back with a much better MPG!

Whosh 14.3…. For a 6.2L Ford and being in the hills i’m starting to see some better MPG. I also do find myself having to also slow down as I noticed the truck seems to need a taller over drive. The V6 seemed find but the V8.. so I think the newer 6.2 with the 10 speed probably could do better on MPG with better selection of gears.

Working out of the truck and just enjoying it with the smaller tires.
Getting better MPG at 14.2 I was finally able to reach my goal of 14 mpg! I think the truck has more

I went the Central Coast, just set the cruise control.. and dang! wow. upto 17 mpg, same Alt Tires, 6″ lift, but I think the kicker was no head wind.

The Truck Sticker saiid 12 -16 mpg. with a note up to 19 in good conditions. Seeing 17 makes me think this truck can do up to 19 mpg if… The big if.
Stock HWY tires, Stock Wheels, Stock Height, Correct air pressure, Level Ground, Cruise control.
Next choice for me will be tires: Do go go with 18″ or keep the 20″ wheels.