Search Listings Central Coast MLS
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Search Listings from the Central Coast Real Estate MLS IDX provided by James Outland Jr.
MLS IDX Feed allows you to search by City, Property type, price range and more. Search homes listings in San Luis Obispo County and North Santa Barbara County. Central Coast MLS search feed is provided by James Outland Jr. BRE#01314390 with Outland and Associates Real Estate BRE#01779035 Outland and Associates is the Local Listing Broker for HUD Homes in San Luis Obispo County and can assist your Buying needs in North Santa Barbara County.
Also if you want to search by a specific feature while on the site try this trick to help make searching listings from the Central Coast MLS IDX easier to Navigate. First, go to your desired city and hold CTRL on a windows PC and "F". You will see a search window appear in the browser and type in "pool" and a number of listings with pools will be highlighted. This will help those looking for items like Granny Houses, Barns, Shops, Great rooms, ocean views and so much easier to find! This will make searching listings from the Central Coast MLS IDX much more useful.

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